Tuesday, 22 December 2020

What are Google Algorithms??


  • Algorithms are the set of instruction which is quite common in computer programming.
  • Google algorithm is also the same thing which is a set of instructions that Google uses for performing a certain task.
  • With the help of Google algorithms, users looking for an answer to their query get their answers in the search results. Each day, Google uploads a huge load of information in its database.Without Google algorithms, it would have been impossible for the searchers to get relevant answers to their questions in an ocean of information.
Types of google algorithms:
  • Google Panda
  • Google Penguin
  • Google Pigeon
  • Google Humming Bird
  • Google Pay Day
  • Google EMD
now we will discuss some major algorithms,they are Google Panda,Penguin,Pigeon and Humming Bird.

   1.GOOGLE PANDA:Here's everything you need to know about Google Panda 

      This is the Google algorithm which will analyze the quality of the content and evaluate the website.it developed to reduce the prevalence of low-quality, thin content in the search results, and to reward unique, compelling content.

 2.GOOGLE PENGUIN:Here's everything you need to know about Google Penguin

        This algorithm put an end to low-effort link building,like buying links from link farms spammy or irrelevant links.

  3. GOOGLE PIGEON:Here's everything you need to know about Google Pigeon

        The google pigeon effects those searches in which the users location plays an important.

  4. GOOGLE HUMMING BIRD:Here's everything you need to know about Google Humming Bird

        Google launched its Hummingbird it aims to better understand the intent of the query instead of just looking at the keywords used in the query.


Friday, 11 December 2020

use of google photos and drive

Google Drive is a file storage service. You can manually upload photos and videos to it, sort them using folders, and share those folders.

There are no photography-specific features, and everything you upload counts against your Google storage limits. 

Google Photos is a photo and video syncing and backup service.

Thursday, 10 December 2020

list of google products

A list of products provided by google:
  • Gmail
  • Youtube
  • Blogger
  • Maps
  • Googleplay
  • Googleads
  • Google drive
  • Meet
  • Duo
  • Adsense
  • Analytics
  • Chrome
  • Gboard

how to start a blog

blogger is the one of the google product,we can cretae blog vth our gmail ids.

how to signin blogger.com:

click blogger.com and signin with gmail,now your blog created .

after signin your blog design your blog using themes,and write posts and publish.

describe social media

 Social media

 means interactions among people in which they create, share,or exchange information and ideas in virtual communities and networks.

some social media network are:

  • facebook
  • instragam
  • twitter
  • youtube
  • linkedin

digital marketing tools

 digital marketing tools are

  • blogger
  • seo
  • sm
  • email marketing
  • affililate marketing
  • google analytic

First post for beginners

Develop website without coding:

     several ways to  develop websites without coding,

they are 

  • blogger and
  • wordpress

What are Google Algorithms??

 what is GOOGLE ALGORITHM? Algorithms are the set of instruction which is quite common in computer programming. Google algorithm is also t...